Here's the update. Since the last post I did manage to finish one more thing: I made a tam to go with the Chronicles of Narnia sweater that I am sending to my friend Elisa. I had no baby to model it. Hence the stuffed Scottie. It's a little bit wacky and loud for the outfit, but I think it will suit Elisa, who is kind of into wacky and loud clothing. It's my first foray into tam knitting. I'm not thrilled with the center of it, which looks a little lumpy with a jog and with a center circle that is the same size as the flowers going around it, inadvertently.
If I were a better tam knitter I would know how to make the inside of my tam a nice flower. But for a last-minute scrap hat I think it's just fine. I added a little sprig thing to the center and it makes the center purple spot look less nipular.
Meanwhile, that might be the last knitting post in a little while because of two related factors. The first is that this guy is here for a while:
Raymond. Who is exceedingly curious about my knitting. And also not very disciplined about running in front of me with the leash, which led to my tripping over him in the park today, jamming my finger on my right hand. Tonight it hurt too much to knit (though I soldiered on through one row like the trouper I am), and I was so bummed because I had a lovely project all lined up for the whole evening: Bristow in my newly-died teal yarn, in front of the new episode of "Lost." Alas!
P.S. it is really hard to photograph a black dog! Especially one who is so adorably clingy that he won't let you back up too far away from him to take a picture. There's also nothing more lovely than sitting on your couch knitting while a scottie sleeps with his head on your foot.
2 weeks ago
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