... loungin' in the sun. It has been ungodly hot in New York City, but not hot enough to keep me from plugging away at knitting ventures. Today was juuuust cool enough to open the windows and turn off the a/c, but man, wool is hot on one's lap. I've been making myself knit a row or two on each project, and it's surprising how much progress can be made that way.
Here we have a lovely pile of summer knitting, a mix of new, old, and very old projects. You probably don't even remember this fair isle project, which languished on the needles for probably 8 months until I could suck it up and do some irrirating intarsia rows:
Then there's the chevron scarf, which chugs along, a few rows at a time, getting quite long and lovely:
Then there's the yoke of my mom's Radcliffe Cardigan; at a gauge of 4.125 stitches per inch, this has been pleasantly quick-knitting; that gauge certainly beats the 7 and 8 stitches per inch I've been working on with other projects!
Reynolds Candide has been interesting to work with: it already seems a little fuzzy, certainly rustic, but it also seems like it will hold up quite well. But it's a little tough on the wrists, I have to say -- no bounce at all.
So there it is, in all its sunset glory. Latin class is over; vacation is coming up pretty soon, and I don't know how much wool I'll be able to stand on the beach. We'll see.
1 week ago
Um, wool only for beach evenings? Cotton during the day. Or linen! Or silk! Something light and lacy maybe.
I like the few rows at a time idea. I know progress is made that way, it just never occurs to me.
All that wool knitting in the summertime? And no a/c? The lot of a knitter.
Your projects look lovely.
Oh, I'm so happy to read a new post! I check your blog at least every other day, always curious about what's going on your needles.
Your projects do look lovely; inspires me to continue slogging along so I can start the chevron scarf (gift) and Narnia cardi for my almost-2-year-old soooooon.
Thanks for the update!
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